TDS Newsletter September 2023

Here is your 'news you can use' for September

in September’s Issue…..

Table of Contents

Welcome Message from our CEO, Sally

Living with hope…

Will we get an Indian Summer in September or do we have to be grateful for May and June but prepare ourselves for autumn?

This reminds me of the bigger question about how positively and hopefully we’re all living right now, and in particular how hopeful you are that you can cope with dementia over the next year.

Sally Ferris, CEO

We’re currently involved in a trial, led by the University of Bradford, trialling an assessment of carers’ needs.  It’s called SIDECAR (Scales measuring the Impact of Dementia On Carers).  One of the scales enables carers to name some big issues and many have appreciated addressing feelings that they might otherwise bury or ignore, such as:

“People see me only as a carer rather than a person in my own right.  I dread the future.   I can only get through one day at a time.  My role in our relationship has changed.  I often feel I want to escape my caring responsibilities.  I feel guilty if I do something for myself.”

With these things identified, we can then help carers to address them. After six months we will review to see how many of these problems have been resolved.

If you would like this personal support from our team, please give your named Dementia support co-ordinator a call.

And for people who are living with dementia, we must help them to live hopefully.  Without hope, all of us would give up – and it’s no wonder that many people with a dementia diagnosis do that. Recently, several members with dementia have told us that they feel very bleak about the future.  We must all remind people of their daily achievements, of how much we need and value them, give them any opportunities to make a difference or be involved in research.  

We certainly commit to doing this in all our work with people with dementia.  

The Dementia Changemakers group got off to a good start in August and the next meeting will be held in north Manchester in October.  I hope some more of you can attend as it might encourage you to be making a positive difference for yourself and others in Manchester.

Finally, we’ve been hugely heartened by the brilliant response and generosity of our supporters in helping us secure the first round of funding for a new minibus.  Thankyou SO much!

And then there’s the determination of a 93 year old lady  from Denton who asked if we can support her fundraising event for TDS.  Each year for the last 9 years she has put on an afternoon tea to raise money for a dementia charity, and this year she wants to help us.  She has gone to great lengths to secure raffle prizes and her freezer is stuffed with homemade scones.  All she is waiting for is a sunny Saturday to run the event.  If she can raise her usual £1,000, at her age, and using only her own resources, then how much more can we do!

So, let’s keep our fingers crossed for the weather and keep plugging away at what we can do for ourselves and our loved ones.

Our Big Give Campaign -

We’ve hit our first target!

We've hit our target! Time to celebrate

We're absolutely thrilled to announce that we have already hit our pledge target of £3,750 toward the Big Give campaign! 

If you have pledged a donation toward this campaign, we can't thank you enough. We'll get in touch nearer the time of the pledge collection period, starting 6 December, so we can get your donation processed and doubled by The Big Give. 

If you intended to pledge but hadn't got around to it yet, don’t worry. We can still accept informal pledges of any amount that can be collected and doubled during the Big Give Christmas Challenge period, 28 November - 5 December 2023. You can fill in the online form on, or give us a call and we'll take your information over the phone. 

Thank you to all our supporters!

📆 Big Give Christmas Challenge period 28 November - 5 December 2023 📆

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!!

Join us for our carers' coach trip to the seaside!

Trip to St Anne's

Picture of the sands at St Anne's

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Carers are welcome to bring their cared for person with them on this trip. The price is only £19 per person and includes a fish & chip lunch with tea and coffee.

Pick up points:      9:45am.                              10:15

Amani Centre.                     Wythenshawe Forum

Moss Lane East.                 Simsonway

M16 7DG.                           M22 5RX

Book now!

Call us on 0161 226 7186 or book online below

Please notify us of any dietary requirements at point of booking.

Caring for Someone with Dementia?

We can support you with our FREE 5 week training course

ZOOM TRAINING:  Monday nights 7pm - 8.30pm

  1. Week 1: Mon 25th Sep                                What is Dementia? 

  2. Week 2: Mon 2nd Oct                                  As dementia advances

  3. Week 3: Mon 9th Oct                                   Supporting you to care 

  4. Week 4: Mon 16th Oct                                 Welfare, benefits & legal issues 

  5. Week 5: Mon 23rd Oct                                 Living well with Dementia

Places are limited so booking is essential.

Phone the office on 0161 226 7186

Pyaari Yaadein Carers’ Social

@ Therapy Hub

Carers of South Asian heritage are invited to join us on Tuesday 19 September 2023 at 6.30pm for a FREE evening of pampering and relaxation.

The Therapy Hub

70 Daisy Bank Road


M14 5QN

If you would like to come along, book your place with Rukaiya as soon as possible!

Rukaiya Pandor

Pyaari Yaadein Friendship & Activity Group

FREE Group Wellbeing Sessions at

RHS Gardens Bridgewater

The 154 acre site at RHS Garden Bridgewater has the community & wellbeing at its core and is uniquely placed to assist the residents of Salford, and beyond, who wish to improve their health physically, mentally and socially through gardening and being in nature.

The sessions consist of all-year round gardening activities from planting, tending to plants and maintaining growing areas in our Wellbeing garden and the Spinney, our woodland workshop garden. Nature activities include walking, forest bathing and arts & crafts. As a person-centred service we will assist you by providing activities to suit your needs in order to meet your health and wellbeing goals. 

2-hour sessions are available for recognised groups and organisations from Salford and Greater Manchester (free of charge –no admission required). Up to 6 sessions per year available to book per group (sessions booked between Nov-Feb are not included in this and can be booked as additional sessions).  Maximum group size is 15.  

Sessions are on a Tuesday or Thursday, morning 10.30-12.30pm or afternoon 1.30-3.30pm on either day – all subject to availability.  

Numbers are needed for this so if you are interested please contact Anna either on the office phone 0161 226 7186 or her mobile 07421 312596.

There is no transport for this, so we will be meeting at the Gardens.

Image of RHS Bridgewater Gardens

September Dementia Cafes 

Beswick Library: 5th Sept

1pm – 3pm


Oaklands Cafe: 20th Sept

1.30pm – 3.30pm


Wythenshawe Café: 27th Sept 1.30pm – 3.30pm


CATECT: Manchester Community Alarm Technology Enabled Care.  

Emergency response service for the residents of Manchester.

This service is available to residents in Manchester to help support them living independently in their own homes.

  • A free, secure and police preferred safe will be installed.

  • A community alarm unit and pendant will be installed 

  • The pendant can be worn around the neck or wrist

  • The alarm and unit have buttons which when pressed alerts the control centre

  • Speak to the response officer from wherever you are in the house.

To get the community alarm call MANCHESTER CONTACT SERVICES 0161 234 5001 and ask for a community alarm and pendant or come to the café to find out more..

Say Hi! to our new Dementia

Support Co-ordinator, Beth

Photo of Beth

Beth Langworthy

Hello, I’m Beth and I’m one of the new Dementia Support

Co-ordinators. I will be involved with some of the weekly groups as well as offering support for carers.

I completed my social work placement with TDS in 2022 so I know some of you already. I have spent the last year working with another Manchester charity as an independent mental capacity advocate. I loved being with TDS last year and am very excited to be back. 

I shall be on the Trip to St Anne’s on the 13th of September so I hope to meet a lot of you there!

07529 225 034

Jo Brizland-Cullen

Together @ Home Project Co-ordinator

South Manchester Friendship & Activity Group

Fab Forgetful Friends

Zsuzsi Földes

Moss Side Friendship & Activity Group

East Manchester Friendship & Activity Group

Anna Hulme

Carer Support Leader

Dementia Cafés

Carer Training

Rukaiya Pandor

Pyaari Yaadein Friendship & Activity Group

Mike Taylor

Mike is away from work at the moment and is not contactable. These groups will be covered by other staff.

Wythenshawe Friendship & Activity Group (Claire)

Walk & Talk - Alexandra Park (Claire)

07767 730531

North Manchester Friendship & Activity Group (Anna)

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